About Us

We pride ourselves on bringing only top quality movies in high definition.

We only use Blu-ray rips (BDrip), HD-DVD rips (HDrip), and High Definition TV rips (HDTVrip).
We will clearly state in each post, which type of rip, and rip quality (720p, 1080i, 1080p).

Although we will always try to source Blu-ray rips, sometimes this is not always possible, as the movie may not be availabe on blu-ray. In these cases, we will post HDTV rips, and when the movie has been released, we will specify in the HDTV post that a BDrip is available.

We do not store the high definition rips ourselves, but instead, we trawl the internet looking for reliable links to post here.

We only deliver links in jDownloader containers.
This allows the links to stay alive longer by encrypting the link.
If by chance you find a dead link, Please let us know as soon as possible in the comments area of the post, and we will endeavour to do our best to have new links as soon as possible.

For a tutorial on how to use or download jDownloader, Click Here.

The majority of files here are also in the matroska (.mkv) format.
Maroska is quickly becoming the de-facto standard for high definition due to it's ability to store multiple audio, video, and subtiltles within a single file.
To read more about the matroska format, and how to play videos using matroska, Click Here.